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The Apostle of Love

He is called the Apostle of Love and he wrote the Gospel of John, 1,2,3 John and Revelation.

The youngest of the Apostles and the one who leaned on Jesus breast at the last supper (John 21:20) he referenced himself as the one whom Jesus loved through out his gospel.

Love seems to be the most important thing that he references. In fact the Pulpit commentary on shares this story:

Jerome, in his 'Commentary on Galatians' (Galatians 6:10), tells us that when St. John became too infirm to preach, he used often to say no more than this, "Little children, love one another." His hearers at last wearied of it, and said, "Master, why dost thou always say this?" "It is the Lord's command," he replied; "and if this alone is done, it is enough."

Is it enough?

What does he mean to love one another?

Looking at the love talked about in the Bible is like the glints of light shining off the surface of the water that catches your eye, its beautiful and the ocean surface is vast. Beneath the waves there are deep mysteries that are not visible from this view. Like God's love, we see the beautiful surface that lures us and draws us in but we do not fully comprehend the deep mystery of its full depth. Ephesians 3: 16-19(NKJV) says it beautifully :

16 that He would grant you,according to the riches of His glory,

to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner

man,17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith;

that you,being rooted and grounded in love,18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length

and depth and height—19 to know the love of Christ which

passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness

of God.

It seems to me that the confidence with which John talked about this love of God and with the repetition of saying love one another, love had changed his life and he understood something that I am missing. His plea to all around him was love and abide.

How does one abide?

My goal is to dig deeper and find the answers from Johns writings and the rest of the Bible .

A journey not taken lightly and will require time, which I seem to have a considerable amount of right now.

First some history.

! John was written probably around A.D. 90 and he was writing to believers who were members of the churches in Asia minor. During this period there was the emergence of various groups that opposed Christianity and infiltrated themselves within the church body. This caused many to give up believing in core foundations of the Christian faith namely the Deity of Christ and His resurrection. John encourages them to remain strong and not be drawn away by these false beliefs.

I started by reading 1 John entirely through in one sitting and repeated this five different times in five different translations. I wrote questions down that surfaced as I read.

How do we walk in the Light as God is in the Light?

Can we experience love without fear?

Is it possible to love everyone as God does?

If we live in our flesh that sins how can we live as in 3:16 "No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning"?

Is the kind of life possible here on earth or is this a reference to what is to come?

What is and how is abiding in Christ manifested in a life?

Vs 4:12 how do I live like this and what does it look like?

Vs 5:3 His commandments are not burdensome?

How do I overcome with faith?

If you have noticed I try to provide the references and that is because I would like you to be a berean as well and study the scriptures do not take my word as the last word. As I unpack my study of this book and the subject of love I encourage you to do the same . Take out your bible whether it be physical or on your phone. tablet or computer and read.

My challenge to you today is read 1 John at least one time in one sitting and write down your own questions and please feel free to share them. This is a journey and the destination is a clearer understanding of God's love for you and me and how we can make that real in our lives here and now.

God Bless you as you read His word this week.


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