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A Mystic

Have you ever read a book and it touched something so deep in you that you knew your life was going to change?

I have.

Last summer I was wandering around the library looking for a book for my husband when I stumbled upon a rarity, a Ted Dekker book I had yet to read. It was even a two book series, I was delighted. I devoured the first book within days (would have been hours if I had been able to read all night) and reserved book two before I was a third done. When I had finished The 49th Mystic and The Rise of the Mystics , both fictional books, I was left with a sense that I was missing something and I did not have the deep connection to God that I was meant to have. I longed to live the life of a Mystic that saw God's love in every child, a love with no fear and no record of wrong.

Was this possible?

So post it notes in hand I wrote out what I wanted to know:

If God has given me everything I need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3) then I should have everything I need to live a life in perfect love (1 John 4:18) , keep no record of wrong (1 Corinthians 13:5), forgive and let go and be content (life of Joseph Genesis 37-50), abide in Christ as Christ abides in me (John 15), live, move and exist in Him (Acts 17:28), be complete through my union with Christ (Colossians 2:9-10), forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15) and have fervent love for one another that will cover a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)

How do I align myself to see the life I have as God sees it and explore all He has given me to live this kind of life?

First let me say that I will study the apostle John and Paul. Although I long to be a mystic , I have always been a Berean ( Acts 17:11) in how I approach things. Being a Berean is tough because my search for the truth always is from the bible and causes me to question when others won't, thus it is not always popular. I am also learning how to share the truth with grace, which is not always easy because I become impassioned with defending the truth. But being a Berean is rewarding because when you truly seek Gods truth He will honor your search.

This journey began last summer with an in depth study of 1 John and I can attest to the fact that during this journey God has brought numerous books, commentaries and speakers into my life that have helped to answer these questions. while creating other questions all leading me to a greater understanding of Gods Kingdom of love. Also there is a special group of people who are journeying through this life with me in group study.

So now you know, I want to be a Berean mystic that is fully engulfed in Gods kingdom light of love with no record of wrong or fear but made perfect.

Will you join me?

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