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As we leave the first chapter we have a clear picture of who Christ is. He is the Son of God, the Word of life,and His blood cleanses...

If we...

1 John 1:7-10 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His...

Light vs Dark

The first set of opposites that John uses is the Light vs Dark comparison. The contrasts of Light and Dark have been around since the...

From the Beginning

As we begin to look into the words of St. John in First John I will warn you that along with lengthy sections and repeated statements on...

The Apostle of Love

He is called the Apostle of Love and he wrote the Gospel of John, 1,2,3 John and Revelation. The youngest of the Apostles and the one who...

A Mystic

Have you ever read a book and it touched something so deep in you that you knew your life was going to change?

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